The Enduring Isles - Nah h-Eilean Buan JOHN LOWRIE MORRISON OBE (Jolomo)

The Enduring Isles - Nah h-Eilean Buan JOHN LOWRIE MORRISON OBE (Jolomo)

Our current exhibition by John Lowrie Morrison is full of interest.

The paintings are all of the Hebrides, with landscapes and seascapes from Lewis and Harris in the north down to Islay in the south, taking in the Uists, Mull, Iona and other islands on the way.

Path to the Beach Benbecula

Path to the Beach Benbecula

John describes the new work as fulfilling a long-held ambition: to paint the Hebridean way of life.

"A lot of people think of me as a landscape painter, but I am always interested in the people who live in the landscape. I like to include details in my paintings like telegraph poles and post boxes.

That’s what this exhibition is about for me — the working people of the Hebrides and what they actually do. Many of the pictures feature peat stacks, hay stooks, beached boats. Although there are no people in them, all the traces of working life are there.

A weather ruined stook Isle of Danna Knapdale John Lowrie Morrison — Jolomo

A weather ruined stook Isle of Danna Knapdale

My family are from Harris, and I know it can be a tough life where people often do several jobs, including crofting and fishing.

I’ve been travelling to the islands for more than 50 years, and I have a huge respect for the islanders. They live in a beautiful place, but it’s not always easy."

Beached boats at the croft Isle of Harris by John Lowrie Morrison, Jolomo

Beached boats at the croft Isle of Harris

There is a buzz in the gallery while a Jolomo exhibition is on. The paintings are a celebration of life and beauty, bursting with colour and energy, and we feel privileged to be able to share them.