Karen Smith

Karen Smith

KAREN SMITH graduated from Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen, in 1987 with an Honours Degree in 3D design (ceramics).

Soon after, she set up her studio in Spa Street and later Cove Bay.

She has exhibited widely at art events and galleries and has produced many commissioned pieces.

She has also spent time as a ceramics tutor.

Karen had a career break for a number of years, working as a conservator/restorer of ceramics and she has also had family commitments but she is now creating more of her own work.

“After many years I am happy to be working with clay once again but at a gentler pace than before. I let the stories form naturally, at times an idea takes a while to morph from the initial spark, say from a piece of music or a line from a book, at other times it comes in a flash, and I must get to work.”

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