Spring Exhibition at Tolquhon Gallery

4 March to 17 April 

Our annual Spring Exhibition is now underway, just slightly delayed by the weather. Artists taking part include Anne Anderson, Tim Cockburn, Kirstie Cohen, Andy Cross, Marion Drummond, Winifred Fergus, Moira Ferrier RSW, Gillian Goodheir, Brita Granström, James Harrigan, Wendy Houston, Susie Hunt, D.E.Johnston RSW, Duncan Macleod RSW, Charles MacQueen RSW RGI, Drummond Mayo, James Orr, Ann Ross RSW, Michael J.Ross, Patricia Sadler, Tom Shanks RSW RGI PAI, Marion Thomson, Kitty Watt, Christine Woodside RSW RGI and Jim Wylie.

Artists new to the gallery include Mick Manning from the Scottish Borders, Mark Scadding from Orkney and Val Thomson from Aberdeen.


29 x 16 cm

collagraph monotype

£280.00   Returned to artist - Enquire
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