Linda Farquharson

Linda Farquharson

Linda FarquharsonLinda Farquharson is a well-known contemporary Scottish printmaker. She works mainly in the relief-printing medium of linocut although she also makes small wood engravings that successfully carry forward her unmistakable style.

Linda graduated as a printmaker from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee, with a first class honours degree and she won the coveted Sekalski prize. Her prints are found in many corporate collections including those of the Bank of Scotland, the Royal Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh Fund Managers and the Western General NHS Trust.

Linda has exhibited her work to great critical acclaim. Technically, she is extremely accomplished and is much admired by her peers.

"Linda Farquharson's linocuts are very colourful (the colours are often strong but nearly always subtle - qualities I might have thought impossible to combine before viewing this exhibition). They display a careful balance of richly patterned areas and calmer restful passages.These linocuts are not just a celebration of colour and pattern - they are extremely skilfully planned, executed and printed - and humour abounds"Claire Dalby, Newsletter of the Society of Wood Engravers, May 1999

"Her work, in necessarily very limited editions, is a stylish delight"

"A distinguished student at Dundee, she has gone onto develop the art of linocut to extremes of delicacy and finesse that, compared with the raw sweep of Germanic tradition, look like filigree alongside tatty bags.....I think some of her limited edition prints could become the Jessie M King collector's pieces of the day after tomorrow."W.Gordon Smith, Observer

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