72 cm (h) x 111 cm x 38 cm
reclaimed scrap metal
There is always Sculpture on show at Tolquhon both indoors and outdoors. We enjoy making use of the large garden which is enhanced by displays of sculpture. Gladys, a bronze goat by Mo Farquharson, is well known to regular visitors as she greets them at the door.
72 cm (h) x 111 cm x 38 cm
reclaimed scrap metal
72 cm (h) x 111 cm x 38 cm
reclaimed scrap metal
reclaimed scrap metal
19 x 11 cm
reclaimed scrap metal
19 x 11 cm
reclaimed scrap metal
19 x 11 cm
Foil wrapped balloon dog
Acrylic display case
12 x 9 x 5.5 cm
Foil wrapped balloon dog
Acrylic display case
12 x 9 x 5.5 cm
Limited edition foil wrapped balloon dog
Acrylic display case
sculpture size 24 x 24 x 9 cm, case size 25 x 25 x 25 cm
Limited edition
Foil wrapped on plastic and Ginger Biscuit tin, in acrylic case
49 cm diameter
galvanised wire
approx 43 cm high
galvanised wire
45 x 40 x 10 cm