20 July to 1 September, 2024

Summer sun has been eluding us but, rain or shine, the gallery will be full of a fabulous collection of art over the summer months. And you are always welcome to explore the garden and the sculpture on show — the roses are especially fine this year.

Artists taking part include Ann Armstrong, Caroline Bailey RSW, Sarah Carrington, Ann Cowan, Janet Cleghorn, Deborah Cruden, Emma Davis RSW PAI, Marion Drummond, Moira Ferrier RSW, Peter Foyle, Claire Harkess RSW, Garry Harper, Frances Innes, Charles MacQueen RSW RGI, John McLenaghen, Illona Morrice, Hazel Nagl RSW RGI PAI, Lucy Newton, Ellis O’Connor, Ann Oram RSW, Ann Ross RSW, Patricia Sadler, Charles Simpson, Marion Thomson,Val Thomson, KittyWatt, Kenny Woods, Christine Woodside RSW RGI and Jim Wylie.

We hope you can visit in person, if you are in north east Scotland but, if not, the entire show will be online in due course.

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