15 July to 26 August 2023

Summer tends to be a hopeful time. We have a wonderful collection of art to enjoy in the gallery over the summer months and you are always welcome to explore the garden and the sculpture it contains. We hope you can visit in person, if you are in north east Scotland but, if not, the entire show is now online.

Artists taking part include Ann Armstrong, Janet Cleghorn, Tim Cockburn, Andy Cross, Marion Drummond, Moira Ferrier RSW, Peter Foyle, James Fraser RSW, Garry Harper, James Harrigan, Robert Pereira Hind, Frances Innes, Gail Klevan, Jim Livingstone, Robert Mach, Charles MacQueen RSW RGI, Illona Morrice, Hazel Nagl RSW RGI PAI, Deborah Phillips, Stephen Redpath, Ann Ross RSW, Patricia Sadler, Marion Thomson, Val Thomson, Christine Woodside RSW RGI and Jim Wylie.

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